Sharing our Perez-Bailey Family history

History of our ancestors

The Perez Clan headed by John William Perez and his wife Antoinette Stevens  started in Eastern Cape near Dunbrody Mission/Orphanage when John and his sister Ellen helped the Jesuits establish an orphanage. His parentswere Joseph Perez and Maria Matthews (Matteys or Mateus).  We have very little details of his parents.

The Bailey Clan started (we think in country Western Cape) when Petrus Blumerus Bailey met and married Dorothea Shearing.  Although we have details of the Shearing family going back to 1700's, the Bailey family can only be traced back to his parents David and Christine Bailey 

The O'Farrell Clan started when Patrick Michael O'Farrell arrived back in Melbourne Australia and met Dorothea Antoinette Perez after she arrived in Melbourne, moving there from Sydney. 

This web-page compliments the Perez Family Tree on which I have been completing with the help of my sister Harriet; Aunty Thora (Perez Family); Aunty Joyce and Aunty Evy (Bailey Family) and my cousins Robert in Canada; Ignatius in London; Anthony in Melbourne and two distant cousins found while researching the Shearing Family Tree (one in Canada and one in the UK).  I decided to put the historical photos here rather than on the Ancestry web-site.

If you would like to contribute any family historical  photos, (unfortunately, this site is not private, so be careful how much personal information you provide) please contact me on Facebook or send me an email to get access to this site's editing capacity.  Go find that old photo album or shoebox of old photos!